I opened the SQL Server Management Studio and noticed the SQL Server Agent (Agent XPs disabled) node. On my local machine this works fine, but not on the build server.

When I type NET HELPMSG 3534 I get: The service did not report an error. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 3534 The SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) service could not be started. Unfortunately I get this Output: The SQL Server Agent (MSSQLSERVER) service is starting. They have seven devices all with the.I start a Windows SQL Server in a Docker Container on a Windows Server 2016 virtual machine with this command: docker container run -name mssql-server -detach -publish 1433:1433 -memory 2048mb -volume C:\_Data:C:\_Data -env sa_password=myPassword -env ACCEPT_EULA=Y microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developerĪfterwards I want to start the SQL Agent with this command: docker container exec mssql-server cmd.exe /C "net start sqlserveragent" They are an industrial manufacturer and therefore have very little control over the settings on the devices they must work with. I have a potential client who has asked me for a solution to a very unique network issue.

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